All Sports Testing is a mobile, independent, full service, athlete performance testing company utilizing the most advanced, state of the art equipment and technology available today. AST provides athletes, coaches and organizations with extremely accurate and thorough sports performance testing for all ages.
All Sports Testing offers athletes and teams of all ages, in all sports, the exact same tests and standards that professional organizations use to evaulate their athletes. Best of all, the testing is done at your location.
Standard, Sport-Specific and Custom testing
Accuracy that is second to none
Wirelessly controlled tests
More than 100 drills for all areas of performance
Convenient- All testing is performed at your location

All Sports Testing is also an Athlete Management System – it’s a powerful human performance software system. All testing results are analyzed and tracked in order to improve the athlete's future performance in their respective sport.
Each athlete receives an ATR "Athlete Test Report " of their testing results, once testing is completed.
Coaches and Organizations receive a FTR "Full Testing Report" with all of their athletes testing results and their rankings for review and analysis.
AST manages and keeps all your data to track and compare with all future testing as well
AST ranks all athletes tested by age, by sport, locally, regionally and nationally
We offer customized reports for athletes, coaches and organizations

The Industry Leader in Sports Performance Testing and Measurement for All Ages.
World Class, State of the Art Testing Equipment trusted and used by the biggest and best leagues,
including the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, Premier League, eredivisie, AFL and NRL